Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homemade Lens

During the festive season things photographic have been a little quiet. A few days ago I hauled out the trusty Rollei SL66 and, armed with a homemade magnifier element as a lens, I spent a few hours capturing backlit scenes at Kenmo. Being an uncoated single element of approximately f2, the depth of field is very shallow and the flare and contrast adds a dreamlike effect.

Fuji Acros developed in Pyrocat.


  1. Hi Lawrance at first glance I thought I should have my eyes tested again but then I saw the charm, particularly the last image - extraordinarily beautiful.

  2. Lawrance,
    Absolutely gorgeous effect.
    Very appealing to me.

    Wonderful work!!

  3. These are gorgeous! And I applaud your gumption in taking on the project. It seems the photography gods have smiled on your spirit of initiative.
